The Wardstone Witches (Spook's Stories: Witches) is a short-story anthology written by English writer Joseph Delaney, that was released in October 2009 as part of the expanding series The Wardstone Chronicles.[1]
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The Wardstone Witches is an anthology of short stories concerning the witches and their clans in Lancashire, as well as some other well-known characters in the series. Joseph Delaney has written five narratives about various characters;
John Gregory and Meg
A short story which explores John Gregory's life with Meg, a Lamia witch, whom John Gregory has feelings for.
An explanation, through her own viewpoint, how Grimalkin became the assassin of the Malkin witch clan.
Dirty Dora
A short story about Dirty Dora, a 'dead' witch.
Tom Ward and Bill Arkwright
Tom and Bill Arkwright have an adventure together in this short story. They deal with a large worme and a banshee which later turns out to be a Celtic witch assassin.
Alice Deane and Bony Lizzie
Alice Deane shares the story of her first week of training to be a witch with Bony Lizzie, a malevolent witch.
Received well by fans with lots of anticipation for the subsequent novel. This being the first short story book, fans were eager to gobble up the side stories in the series.[2]